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भ्रष्टाचार के सम्बन्ध में हाल ही के वर्षों में जागरुकता बहुत बढ़ी है। जिसके कारण सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम – 2005, आदि बनाने के लिये भारत सरकार बाध्य हुई है।सूचना का अधिकार अर्थात राईट टू इन्फाॅरमेशन। सूचना का अधिकार का तात्पर्य है, सूचना पाने का अधिकार, जो सूचना अधिकार कानून लागू करने वाला राष्ट्र अपने नागरिकों को प्रदान करता है। सूचना अधिकार के द्वारा राष्ट्र अपने नागरिकों को अपनी कार्य और शासन प्रणाली को सार्वजनिक करता है।
Welcome to our website
National Anti Corruption Council takes a privilege to welcome you in its world. We were established with the sole object to bring social changes and reforms in this discriminative society.
Being an Indian citizen ‘we the people’ of Anti Corruption family recognize our responsibilities towards society and eagerly involve in brining reformation in the society which is still ill from
social maladies. We exist in the society to encounter the various problems and conflicts of the society which is pushing us back from the way of development. We are eager to provide you
social security services; social education so that every citizen of the country can avail its basic fundamental rights and can fight against the hindrance which comes in the way of their success.
In addition, we are as the warrior social service provider in India.
corruption means the destruction, ruining or the spoiling of a society or a nation. A corrupt society stops valuing integrity, virtue or moral principles. It changes for the worse.
Such a society begins to decay and sets itself on the road to self-destruction. Corruption is an age-old phenomenon. Selfishness and greed are the two main causes of corruption.
Political corruption is the abuse of their powers by state officials for their unlawful private gain.When money becomes more important than anything else, the rich become more and more powerful,
and life becomes harder and harder for the poor. In other words,
there is great imbalance as the living standard of the people as 90% of the wealth comes under the hands of less than 10% people.
We protect and promote the interests of the disadvantaged population of the society in particular of the destitute children and widows. we also ensure the access to
constitutionally guaranteed human fundamental rights to all the citizens.The Anti-Corruption Council aims to develop a common policy in fighting corruption.
These common Policy is fully supported of all members of NACC.
In the modern world, corruption is prevalent every where. It is an universal anathema. Greediness is the main breeding factor of corruption.
People are very anxious to get the works done quickly. In such situations corruption plays a major role.
People tend to give bribes on such occasions and the greedy officials at the helm of affairs capitalize on that to make a quick buck. Soon it becomes a customary practice.
Even honest people fall prey to this because of wants. According to anti corruption law, not only taking bribe but also giving bribe is classified as an offence.
It is high time that the corruption which plagued the society is weaned away gradually, besides helping the society to keep vigil over prevention of other types of crime
This is a non-political and charitable body for the welfare of all mankind.
To work against corruption, atrocities, irregularities, illegalities, misuse of the Govt. funds, post & power. For better representation of poor innocent people and to save from the hands of the corruption Because corruption has become the lubricant for all Govt.
To work for social, moral and intellectual uplift of the general public.
To inculcate spirit of service to mother-land and communal harmony.
To inculcate sence of discipline among the youth.
To help the general public in the time of need.
To make our Council work very effectively and to spread awareness among all the layman’s about our Council, as to rub out all the culprits from spreading Corruption by joining more and more members to our Council and make our Nation free from this bad evil of Corruption.
Mission Statement
I am a National President of National Anti Corruption Council (NACC), whose aim is to empower individuals and catalyse governments, the private sector to help lift millions out of poverty, protect the society. Our aim is to empower individuals and catalyse governments, the private sector and civil society to help lift millions out of poverty, protect the planet and achieve shared prosperity and dignity for all. Eliminating corruption and its harmful impacts will be crucial to our future well-being.
“If corruption had already taken root, then good seeds must be preserved.”-Toba Beta
As per this famous quote, I believe that public services must uphold the highest standards of integrity and ensure that appointments are driven by merit. Public servants, as well as elected officials, must be guided by ethics, transparency and accountability.
The private sector also has a crucial role. Good behavior is good business. Business groups can convert anti-corruption action into firm support for sustainable development.
I call on everyone to help end corruption, and come together for global fairness and equity. The world and its people can no longer afford, nor tolerate, corruption. To help the general public in the time of need. To make our Council work very effectively and to spread awareness among all the layman’s about our Council, as to rub out all the culprits from spreading Corruption by joining more and more members to our Council and make our Nation free from this bad evil of Corruption.
How to stop it?
1. Instead of paper currency, govt. has to provide pre -denominated check book based on individual balance in the bank account. Starting from 1 rupee to any amount available in respective account. This can be done by banks.
2. After issuing check book to every individual, ban the paper currency.
3. Everybody will start using check books based on their convenience.
4. Educated persons can transfer money to anybody by fingers over the mobile.
5. Those who are taking bribe, will stop because the online transfer and check are the proof for the transfer. Still anybody continues, easily can find out using reference number.
6.Blackmoney will be automatically eradicated.
7.Hence the development become faster.
Welcome to our website
We protect and promote the interests of the disadvantaged population of the society in particular of the destitute children and widows. we also ensure the access to constitutionally guaranteed human fundamental rights to all the citizens.The Anti-Corruption Council aims to develop a common policy in fighting corruption. These common Policy is fully supported of all members of NACC.
In the modern world, corruption is prevalent every where. It is an universal anathema. Greediness is the main breeding factor of corruption. People are very anxious to get the works done quickly. In such situations corruption plays a major role. People tend to give bribes on such occasions and the greedy officials at the helm of affairs capitalize on that to make a quick buck. Soon it becomes a customary practice. Even honest people fall prey to this because of wants. According to anti corruption law, not only taking bribe but also giving bribe is classified as an offence. It is high time that the corruption which plagued the society is weaned away gradually, besides helping the society to keep vigil over prevention of other types of crime
This is a non-political and charitable body for the welfare of all mankind.
To work against corruption, atrocities, irregularities, illegalities, misuse of the Govt. funds, post & power. For better representation of poor innocent people and to save from the hands of the corruption Because corruption has become the lubricant for all Govt.
To work for social, moral and intellectual uplift of the general public.
To inculcate spirit of service to mother-land and communal harmony.
To inculcate sence of discipline among the youth.
To help the general public in the time of need.
To make our Council work very effectively and to spread awareness among all the layman’s about our Council, as to rub out all the culprits from spreading Corruption by joining more and more members to our Council and make our Nation free from this bad evil of Corruption.